Today..Me and my friends having a small and funny gathering at Sharing Planet. Unexpectedly, after the gathering, I'm so happy and proud of myself because I've get thru sth..which I din expected myself to be..Haha.. Thanks my friends..Although the problem is still not settle yet..but I know you guys are really good friend to have..Hope that we will all healthy and happy then have more gathering in the future.. I'll appreciate you, my friends:)
It's Mini mandarin orange season..there are some peach accompanying them.. Orange + Red= Nice.. Nice green plant in my uncle's house..make people feel ReLaX..haha:P
Below is a letter from me(and whoever involved in the flood recently) to Mr/Ms"Flood":
Dear Mr/Ms Flood:
Suddenly u come on Sunday and leave on Tue..without any notice..really unpredictable!! I hate you so much! Why you can just come as you like? Don't you know that we need to do more work after your coming? These few days I was busying mopping and cleaning my house..My spare parts in the body seems like all malfunction and useless after do those cleaning.. Does this means that I should admit that I'm not as young as previously? All of these happen just because of you!! Hope you wont come again during CNY so that we no need to be torture by you.. Please be a good boy/girl and may you really rest in peace.. We will appreciate that! Really..
Thanks anyway.
Regards, Me
p/s: This sounds crazy but really words from bottom of my heart!^0^
You can see how horrible and annoying is the flood by viewing those pictures... So?any comment?
nice rite? since i'm in holiday..too free.. my dear recommend me this last night..then i start to play with it.. really nice la..addicted to it!! i hope it's real..what we can do is just by imagination.. because in this world, many things are still fake..including human's heart..